Today: Perfectly smooth DIY hummus in a fraction of the time -- thanks to a simple, brilliant trick.
And you won't judge them, because you're nice.
Tubbed hummus has become that friendly convenience food that everyone accepts -- it's the new, improved French onion dip. It's so popular, it even comes in guacamole flavor. (Now you can start judging.)
But that stuff in the tubs -- as healthy and quick and easy as it may be -- is never going to be as good as the real thing. The real thing is rich and sultry and alive. It is tumbling over with nutty tahini and pricks of lemon and garlic and salt. It tugs at you so hard you want to drink it, not pop it open as a sensible snack.
I have the real thing for you. And it's a hell of a lot easier to make -- and faster -- than you'd think.
Continue reading.
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